Help / Info Click here

This section is for logged in GBPC Club members to upload images for the respective monthly set and open competitions and viewings. 

  1. Click on the the relevant section for it to open. (click on the title of the open section for it to close)
  2. Add the image title. (required)
  3. Select your name from the drop down. (required) (this will be entered automatically at a future date)
  4. Click on ‘Choose File’ and select image file from your computer’s storage device. (required)
  5. Cut off for uploads is the Wednesday prior to the Mondays viewing at midnight.
  6. Judging is then done by a panel of judges the Thursday following the Wednesday cut off.

How to Edit images already uploaded:

  1. Login to the website by clicking on login in the top menu.
  2. Enter your username & password.
  3. If you do not know what the login access codes are any more, click on the lost password link and follow the prompts.
  4. After logged in you will be redirected to the image upload page.
  5. Click on the section you need to edit.
  6. image already uploaded will be in view.
  7. Select the Edit button at the bottom of the page and edit.

Set and Open image rules:

  • To enter in the Open Theme category, at least Two (2) Set Subject Images must be uploaded.
  • Set subject can be uploaded to a maximum of Three (3).
  • Open Theme images do not need to be uploaded.

Is there still a file naming procedure:

  • Files no longer need to have any specific file name when uploaded.
  • Files names are overwritten with new info from the uploaded form and theme info.

Image file resizing and dimensions:

  • Image upload sizes and image dimensions are still regulated.
  • Typically we require image dimensions to be 1024px X 768px (4:3 image ratio)
  • Images dimensions will be accepted up to 2400px on the longest side.
  • Maximum image file size allowable for upload is 2Megabytes. (1.2Mb)
  • Recommended file size: ~500kb

How do I resize my images:

  • If you are having problems with resizing please contact us for information and to arrange training if required.
  • We recommend downloading FastStone Photo Resizer if you do not have a suitable resizer in your photo editor software.
  • Follow the link below to find out where to download it and for info on the resizer.
Test Upload

[ewz_show_webform identifier=”testupload”]

May 2018

Set Theme -Anything With Wheels 2018

[ewz_show_webform identifier=”anywheels2018″]

Open Theme - May 2018

[ewz_show_webform identifier=”may2018″]